

Age : 5 years

Gender : Male

Complain : Cold , Cough and fever

Interaction : The mother of the child narrated that her son is going through a cold, cough and fever for a day and has been extremely uneasy with the situation. It's wasn't something to be worried about but as he doesn't fall sick often; he doesn't know how to handle the situation. The impatience to get past the sickness was making him cranky.
He kept insisting on meeting a doctor and was hell-bent on recovering soon. A few rounds of warm water were given as he developed a throat pain, but the child seemed too uneasy and therefore the mother decided to get medical consultation.

Analysis : Rubrics
CARRIED - desire to be carried
MIND - COMPLAINING - disease, of
MIND - SENSITIVE - pain, to
MIND - IMPATIENCE - pain, from
MIND - EXAGGERATING - symptoms; her

As the impatience factor was taken into consideration and therefore, Chamomilla 30 single dose was prescribed.

Results : In a matter of few hours the child felt relaxed and was not troubling anymore. The cold and cough took a couple of days to subside. The homeopathic treatment provided quick relief even in an acute case like the above.

Age : 8 years

Gender : Female

Complain : Recurrent Boils

Interaction : The parents explained that they had been through a number of antibiotics but the boils kept appearing all over again each time the dosage was complete. The child never complained but the parents would realise that the boils were extremely painful and the parents couldn't see their child suffering any longer. Her mother tried to discharge the puss by squeezing it out but the pain was excruciating.
The girl seemed to have accepted the boils as a part of her and she resorted to humour them herself. Despite the pain she was going through, she kept being a happy child. By now, the parents were tired of excessive antibiotics that she was consuming for 6 months.

Analysis :
MIND - MIRTH - wretche
Simulating hilarity while he feels- apis

Taking her reaction to the pain into consideration, Apis Mellifica 30 was prescribed.

Results : Within a span of a few weeks her boils reduced and gradually faded away. Ever since, she has not faced the problem again.

Age : 6 years

Gender : Female

Complain : Allergic to fruits

Interaction : The girl suffered from acute bronchitis with the consumption of any fruit or juice. These attacks kept occurring occasionally as the girl was very fond of eating fruits. In helplessness, even if her mother gave her a small amount, but she'd instantly fall sick. The girl had been dealing with this problem from a very long time.
As mentioned before, the child loved eating fruits and would soon start to cough. During the time she was sick, she needs to be distracted by the TV or playing games on the I Pad. She would become very dull if she wasn't occupied with some activity.

Analysis : Rubrics
GENERALS - FOOD and DRINKS - fruit - agg
GENERALS - FOOD and DRINKS - fruit - desire
MIND - CARRIED - desire to be carried
MIND - TACITURN - cough; during
MIND - DULLNESS - heat - during
MIND - AMUSEMENT - desire for

Considering the above rubrics, she was prescribed Verat Album 30 single dose.

Results : She went through a course for 3 months and is now able to eat all types of fruits and consume all juices she likes.

Age : 5 years

Gender : Male

Complain : Suffered from small warts spread across chest and back area with 1 bleeding wart on the face for 6 months.

Interaction : Born to an over protective mother the little boy had grown to fear loud noises (Firecrackers, scolding) and was bullied very often. He always needed support of his mother or younger brother who was a confident boy. Brilliant at academics, he needed validation time and again from others and only then would feel sure of himself. He seemed to be very comfortable in a known environment.

Analysis : Rubrics
MIND - TIMIDITY - children; in
MIND - TIMIDITY - public; about appearing in
MIND - SPEECH - whispering - answering to the mother instead of to the prescriber directly
MIND - CONFIDENCE - want of self-confidence
MIND - TIMIDITY - alone, when
MIND - AILMENTS FROM - protection - parental protection; excessive
MIND - FEAR - noise, from.
MIND - FEAR - strangers, of.
MIND - FEAR - new enterprise; of undertaking a
MIND - MAGNETIZED - desire to be
MIND - HELD - amel. being held
MIND - CONFIDENCE - want of self- confidence - support; desires
Considering his dependence on his mother, Silicea, 30 single dose was prescribed.

Results :Post 2 weeks, 50% of the warts had healed. The wart on the face had grown larger by this time, but broke open in a couple of weeks further. There was a lot of bleeding involved but it soon managed to recover. Placebo was continued for 6 months and all the warts managed to fade off in the duration. An added follow up for pigmentation continued.
With great results in the cure of the problem, the boy today is growing to be much more confident but the fear of loud noises has yet to be worked upon.

Age : 5 1/2 years

Gender : Boy

Complain : Recurrent cough and vomiting and a chronic cold.

Interaction : : His mother claims him to be an obedient boy who has been performing well in academics and doesn’t complain much about his pain. His sleep had been very restless and even with multiple attempts to stop the cough with warm water, every time he needed an antibiotic to recover. The vomiting was occasional and the cold lasted 20 days a month.

Analysis : Rubrics
MIND - RESTLESSNESS - coughing, with
MIND - YIELDING disposition - children; in
Nux vom, 30 single doses were prescribed to the boy
Post that for 3 months he was on Phytum

Results :There was hardly 20% recovery by the end of the first day of the treatment. But the next day has cured the child by 90%. The vomiting stopped the next morning and he was feeling much better. After the intake of Phytum, the trouble reduced to occasional bouts of cough which was managed with warm water without repetition of the dose.

Age : 6 years

Gender : Male

Complain : Rash on the upper lip

Interaction : There was a lot of itchiness and burning sensation in the area that developed the rash. Blisters had begun to develop and there was a feeling of dryness. The child is very active otherwise but seemed highly affected by his appearance due to the rash. He was visibly affected by the bullying of other children considering the presence of the rash being prominent. The prolonged treatment and steroids also caused side effects.

Analysis : Rubrics
MIND - JESTING - aversion to
MIND - AILMENTS FROM - embarrassment
MIND - LIGHT - desire for
MIND - ENNUI, tedium
MIND - DELUSIONS - body - ugly; body looks
MIND - JESTING - joke; cannot take a
Considering his temperament and reaction to the presence of the rash, Natrum Mur 30 was prescribed to him.

Results:He was cured within a few weeks and the rash has not appeared until yet.